Shifting how government works

Field work is the first in our series of free online workshops to discuss tactics and tips for bringing new ways of working into government.

Join us to learn with leading practitioners who are shifting the way government works. We’ll cover the approaches themselves, the thinking behind them, as well as ways to embed them in everyday practice.

This interactive session will be on 3rd December 2-3pm GMT. (Time zone converter)

Join the call by registering for your place via zoom.

This month

We’re talking culture change with Tomas Dominguez Vidal. Joining us to share stories of his team’s work at LABgobar, Argentina’s National Government Innovation Lab, where working to solve a TB crisis helped a government organisation rethink its entire role in how it serves the public.

Tomas will share how they showed government teams to work in a new way, and the tactics that helped make the case for change.

"Government is a big animal. And you can’t get a large animal to move unless it wants to."

- Tomas Dominguez Vidal


In Argentina, cows are big business, and the ministry responsible for them is one of the crown jewels of government. But the dairy and meat industry faces a huge challenge: soaring TB rates. It’s a problem of national significance with serious consequences for the economy.

What to expect

  • Tomas will begin the session by sharing approaches his team used to encourage new ways of working in government. How they made the case that working differently can help other government teams; what earned them the trust and support along the way; and what helped senior leaders buy into the model for doing things differently.
  • We’ll open this up to a group discussion and Q&A and have the opportunity for breakout sessions where you can talk in smaller groups with peers from around the globe to get ideas on some tactics for your own environments.
  • By the end of the hour we hope you have some tactics and tricks for culture change in government you can take away and try.

Looking forward to you joining us!

Suggestions for future sessions?

👋 Please get in touch.

Let's work together